We have a 100% track record.

We're proud to say we've helped all of our eligible clients secure HCBS funding for their OLTL or ODP businesses in 2022. But the clock is ticking... see how we could help you apply in time!


Office of Long Term Living

Funding is available to Service Providers to implement technological improvements in the quality of services provided to individuals in the CHC and the OBRA waiver programs.

Applicable technological enhancements may include technology solutions that improve service transparency, quality assurance or risk management functions.

  • Submission Deadline December 31, 2022


Office of Developmental Programs

Funding is available for replacing staff functions with newly implemented technology solutions.

Solutions may include a wide range of technological enhancements aimed at allowing staff time to be directed to other care activities.

  • Submission Deadline October 31, 2022


Applicable funding categories



Digital Timesheet Management
Developmental Progress Tracking -
Employee Training Hub
Scheduling Management
Consultative Services -
Bespoke Remote Technology Development
  Get Funding

Frequently asked questions.

We've been through this a few times. Here's what most of our clients ask at the outset.

Will Piperfield charge for assistance in applying for funding?

No. We would be happy to support you through the funding application process, at no cost your business. Piperfield would work with you to determine the best use of funding to enhance your business, in-line with OLTL or ODP funding criteria.

Will my business be required to provide evidence of appropriate use of funding?

Yes. For ODP you may be required to provide evidence (e.g., expense records) for both a progress payment, and a completion payment. For OLTL you may be asked to provide documentation retrospectively. Piperfield can manage all of this for you.

Would you like help securing funding?

Simply fill in your contact details below and we'll be in touch for a no-pressure, zero-commitment conversation about how we can help your secure funding and enhance your business' technology!